Hey everyone, I'm back with another great beginner's post created to help educate you about Essential Oils and show you how easy it is to start using Essential Oils in your home.
If you are new to the whole Essential oil thing and to my blog, you may want to check out my post, 9 easy ways to use essential oils.”
Oh, and you just got to read my post about “How to get started with Essential Oils” It has all kinds of great juicy gossip on how and why I got into essential oils. But make sure you come back here because I'm going to share some must-have information on diffusing and the best oils to get started with.
*This post contains affiliate links to the essential oils and other products I talk about in the post. Purchasing them here from my blog is no extra cost to you but I do earn a commission that helps in the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support!
One of the easiest ways to get started using Essential Oils is diffusing. In this post, I'm going to share with you what diffusing is. Some of my favorite diffuser options and some great essential oils for diffusing.
A lot of people new to Essential Oils think diffusing essential oils is the same as using one of the big large diffusers you use to put moisture into your home during the winter.
Well, essential oil diffusing is kind of like that, but you never ever want to put essential oils into a diffuser that is not made specifically for essential oils.
Because the plastic used to make the regular home diffuser cannot hold up to essential oils. Essential oils will basically eat the plastic and you take a huge chance of tearing up your diffuser. I don't know about you, but my large diffuser cost me $50 and I'm not interested in tearing it up anytime soon.
So what kind of diffuser can you use?
There are diffusers specially made for diffusing Essential oils.
I will start by saying you get what you pay for.
I have diffusers I bought pretty inexpensively from Amazon and I have some very nice ones I bought through Young Living.
Hands down my favorite are the Young Living ones.
Essential oil diffusers on Amazon, although can be less expensive, in the end, have not held up and are so loud we don't like to run the Amazon essential oil diffuser for sleep.
My Favorite Diffusers
I personally have the Dewdrop, Desert Mist, Aria, Feather and the Rainstone made by Young Living and they are all amazing Diffusers.
I suggest if you have kids or you plan on moving your diffuser around the house a lot, I would get the Desert Mist.
My girls have knocked over the Desert Mist a couple of times and with it being all plastic it didn't break or get messed up.
The Rainstone has this beautiful ceramic part to it and the Aria is made of glass, so if they ever get dropped I'm probably out of a diffuser and that would make me super sad cause I really love my Rainstone and Aria, mainly because they run like FOREVER and they have a timer and a remote.
Personally, I love not having to crawl out of bed to turn my diffuser off and on. Yes, I'm lazy like that.
Looking to buy another diffuser check out my guide to picking the right essential oil diffuser type for your home! I even include a few that are UNDER $20!
Diffusers for essential oils are cold- air diffusers, so the essential oil is not heated or burned which can make the oil less therapeutically beneficial and could even cause toxic compounds.
When first starting to diffuse I always suggest beginning with ONE drop of oil and for only a few minutes.
You can read my post “Making Scents- Diffusing Essential Oils 101 for the busy mom” and it goes more in-depth about what can happen if you get a little too happy with the oils the first time trying them out.
Plus it gives you some of my favorite starter kit diffuser recipes.
My 10 Must-Have Essential Oils for Diffusing
Now this list of must-have essential oils for diffusing for some might be different. What qualified an oil for this must-have list for me was, mind-blowing versatility ( how well it mixed with others), how helpful it was in vanquishing my mommy issues getting my kids to bed and it's delightful smell.
1. Lavender
The Swiss army knife of oils, this essential oil can be used in anything. It's great for bedtime and calming. It mixes really well with so many different oils. You will find this oil in the Premium Starter kit.
2. Lemon
It just makes me think of a sunny day full of happiness. It is also said it can help promote improve memory and relaxation. With my stressed out mommy brain, I need all the help I can get with memory and relaxation. You will find this oil in the Premium Starter kit. For a fun list of diffuser recipes with lemon check out my post 13 Lemon Inspired Diffuser Recipes To Refresh Your Home.
3. Purification
This was the first oil I ever diffused and it still my top choice. I love its ability to kill yucky smells and purify the air in my home. It's like magic at getting rid of stinky smells and its fresh light scent is one you will find uplifting and enjoyable. You will find this oil in the Premium Starter kit. I love this post for diffuser recipes using Purification. So many great diffuser recipes in that one.
4. Thieves
One of my favorite oils, you will find Thieves in the Premium Starter kit. you can support overall wellness and a healthy immune system with just a few drops. Thieves is just mind-blowing amazing. I LOVE this oil, so many awesome uses and talk about getting you in the Christmas spirit when mixed with just the right oils. Diffuse this one with Orange and you will be hooked! But Orange isn't the only wonderful oil you can diffuse with Thieves to help with your family wellness.
7 Winter wellness hacks that can help make you healthy
5. Frankincense
For a long time I would never diffuse Frankincense because I looked at it as a priceless oil that I just couldn't waste. If you check out my post on the Skin Serum I made you will know why I loved this oil. I really like the grounding effect this essential oil has on me. Frankincense essential oil blends well with others to create great multilevel scents. You will find this oil in the Premium Starter kit. Check out my post with some of my favorite essential oil diffuser recipes with frankincense.
6. Stressaway
Ever wish you could be somewhere on vacation but instead you're stuck at home or work. At least this oil blend can make you feel a little more stress-free and happy. Mix this one with Lemon and rosemary and you will thank me. Reminds me of a high-end cooking store. Yummy! You will find this oil along with lemon in the Premium Starter kit.
7. Cedarwood
I've heard this oil is called the poor man's Sandalwood. I like its woodsy smell. It took me awhile to appreciate this one. But once I realize mixed with Lavender it would help make bedtime for my girls so much easier and it may help prevent snoring from my husband. Cedarwood climbed my personal favorite list really fast.
8. Eucalyptus
Seriously who doesn't love the smell of eucalyptus? Isn't this stuff just awesome? I love the clean feeling I get when I smell it. Plus it may help support a healthy respiratory system.
9. Bergamont
I had never heard of this wondrous Essential Oil until, well I got really into oils. And everywhere I looked, people were raving about this awesome oil. It has quite the devoted following with my oily friends. It is a great mood booster and it smells citrusy amazing.
10. Peppermint
You will find this oil in the Premium Starter kit. It is part of my springtime wellness booster (Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint) this trio diffused together is amazing. You can check out my post for the recipe here “A busy mom's springtime wellness booster”
10 Easy recipes to make sure your diffusing peppermint
I think you will love to check out this post of the best smelling essential oil blends!
As I wrote this post I realized there are a ton of Oils that I just love for diffusing. It really was hard for me to narrow down to just 10. I'm curious if you had to come up with a top oil for diffusing what would it be?
The above, 10 must-have essential oils for diffusing, are all Young Living Essential oils and 7 out of 10 of the oils are all in the premium starter kit. The Premium Starter Kit's versatility is one reason why it's by far the most popular Young Living product and to be honest, out of the 11 oils that come in the kit all but 2 of the oils, are oils that seriously could have been added to this list.
As I said, I had a really hard time narrowing it down. I'm so glad Young Living was smart enough to include so many oils in the starter kit. Getting the premium starter kit really was a no-brainer for me too when it came time for me to make the leap and really invest in Essential Oils. What began as a way to make my house smell nice, has evolved into an exciting and eye-opening journey for my family to become more healthy.
Would you love the chance to find someone to help mentor you through the process?
What if I told you I would help you for FREE!
I'd love the opportunity to walk you through essential oils and help you choose the best oils to use for you. When you purchase a Premium Starter kit through me you will receive Free one on one mentoring from me to help you get comfortable and using essential oils in your life. I promise by the time we are done you will be a rockstar user of essential oils!
The above recipes are made using Young Living Essential oils. They are the only essential oils I trust to use on my family. The reason I use only Young Living is pure and simple, I know the quality that goes into Young Living oils. I only want the best and purest to use on my family and Young Living Guarantees that with their Seed to Seal pledge. If you are new to essential oils or have been using different brands, I'd love the chance to introduce you to Young Living essential oils. Let me help you get started on a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. To find out more, I'd love for you to check out my post on
Let's get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Let me show you where to buy essential oils

So you don't have a kit yet? Well, I'd love to help you get your hands on this box of awesomeness. Click here to get your Premium Starter Kit now!
I hope once you try this you will leave me a comment and tell me how it has rocked your world too!
Sunday 29th of January 2017
Thank you so much!! Very helpful!!